Monday, November 12, 2012

Spirit Extreme.... Our Little Cheerleader

Addison had her 1st cheer competition last weekend. She worked so hard, lots of hours at the gym, and she did so AWESOME!!! Nick and I are both so proud of her and how great she did. We both knew she was nervous, we also knew there was a chance she may freeze, but she didn't it... she nailed the whole routine and SMILED the whole time! YAY!! Thanks to Mimi, Pop-Pop, Aunt Katie & Grammy, and of course her little sisters for being Addison's fan club. Addison loves your support!

Love my little Cheerleader... GO TEAM JOY!

Addison and Taylor... She is on Team Hope!

Addison's Cheer Buddy Riley!!
Stay Tuned for the Next Competition in January!!! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween 2012

Wow, life is busy and crazy and FUN right now. It's been forever since I've blogged.
We had a great month in October... Pumpkin Patches, Decorating Pumpkins and Trick or Treating!! Here are a few pictures from the recent month.

Hall-Johnson Pumpkin Patch

Glitter Pumpkins with Mimi... So Fun!!

Dress Up Like a Super Hero for Halloween at School
Little Bo Peep and her 2 Sweet Sheep
The Twins idea of a "Good Time"
And to End on a Fun Picture... This is what its like trying to get out of the house with twins :)
Hope everyone had a Fabulous October and a Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sweet Sweet Addison

My neighbor started doing photographer, lots of Senior pictures, as well as children of all ages. She asked to borrow Addison to "model" this headband, a lady made and wanted pictures for her website. She sent me the picture later that night.... and I was in love with it.
It's so Addison, such a loving free spirit and so happy.

Brandi Potter Photography
(Check her out on Facebook)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Best Buds

Life has been busy lately. Addison in Kinder, Twins are CRAZY, Nick's work is super busy and well I'm working from home some. But, I wanted to post some pictures of my sweet girls. They have become quiet the little trio... The twins are always so happy when Big Sis gets home from school (and so am I, new entertainment) Addison is always so excited too. They love to do "big girl" stuff with her and let's just say Addison loves being Mother hen.
But their friendship, love and a companion for each other just melts my heart.
Here are a few pictures of the girls...
Both babies are walking like crazy... Addison loves to show them the way
First time walking Big Sis to School

All 5 of us did the Heart Walk 5K
Addison did so great & the twins enjoyed the ride :)
Matching PJ night :)

Love all 3 of my sweet girls!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Addison's off to... KINDERGARTEN!

Today is Addison's 1st day of Kindergarten! I wanted to make sure I blogged today, because I wanted to make sure I remembered every detail of this big day and how she felt, I felt, Nick felt. It's such a BIG day for all of us.
Meet the Teacher was last night, which honestly I liked. Everything was still fresh for Addison this morning.. her classroom, desk, locker, etc.
Addison's teachers name is Mrs. Moore, she lives one street over from us. She called us last week to introduce herself as Addison's teacher. We have met/seen her several other times. Addison was beyond excited! And so was I! Nick too! They have 8 Kindergarten teachers at Kay Granger... lots of little kindergartners, so to get Mrs. Moore was truly a blessing!

Addison went to bed last night with Riley(our dog) promptly at 8:30, not one complaint out of her, she was so excited! I woke her up at 6:45 this morning and she was all SMILES! I could tell she was a little nervous, but who wouldn't be, right? Ate breakfast, got dressed, a phone call from Mimi wishing her a good day, few pictures and headed to school. She went right in and got straight to coloring, just like it was at her preschool. Really, not one ounce of worry in her eyes. It was very reassuring to know, Hey she's going to be just fine here.
Me on the other hand, I had my meltdown last night after all the girls were asleep, I was good till it got quiet and I could just think about what was actually happening. I'm pretty attached to this girl :)
Nick is Nick, so mellow and chill, like it's just another day. Guess it's good were both not in meltdown mode. He thinks I'm crazy (nothing new by the way) I wanted to have lunch with Addison today and all he did was laugh and say NO crazy!

I'm counting down the minutes to pick her up and here all about her day! I feel like I have 50 questions for her and she will maybe answer 5.

Here are a few pictures from Meet the Teacher last night and today, her 1st day!

Happy 1st Day of Kindergarten Sweet Addison! I know you are going to be such a great student!! Can't wait to watch you grow and learn this year :)

Kinley and Brooklyn's 1st Birthday Party

The twins birthday party was on August 18th, also known as the rainiest day this summer! Really! I planned the twins party at my aunt's lake house on Eagle Mountain Lake, invited our closest family and friends. Planned for a fun evening with dinner, water slides, baby pools... Well it down poured the whole party. It was still a great party and the twins didn't seemed bothered one point. And as some family pointed out, the twins were born on a rainy Saturday morning, maybe it's just meant to be rainy when celebrating their 1st birthday too. But seriously.... Rain in Texas in August = NOT NORMAL. We needed the rain though.
Kinley and Brooklyn loved their smash cakes, Brooklyn more than Kinley! Also, all of their presents! Some were not opened till the next day because they were pooped!
Thank so much Mimi, Pop-Pop, Koo Koo and Uncle Jesse for all your help! We couldn't have done it without you!!
And to everyone that came to celebrate their 1st birthday! Such a big milestone for them and Nick & I... We survived the 1st year having TWINS! :)

Again, Thanks so much to everyone that came to the party, even in the yucky rain! And for all the twins presents. We are truly so blessed to have such great friends and family!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

~ 12 Months ~

My sweet itty bitty lovebugs are ONE!! Can you believe it? I'm still blown away, this past year flew by. The girls are so fun and crazy right now... I'm enjoying every second.

At 12 months the twins are:

* Eating anything and everything you put in front of them :) Some new favorites are: Mandarian Oranges, Animal crackers, applesauce, blueberry waffles and eggs.
* Each of them have 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on bottom
*Kinley is walking... started with a few steps, now that's all she really does
* Brooklyn is still a crazy crawler, she's ridiculous fast and quick. She also knows how to climb on the couches.
* Both girls wave now - FINALLY :)
* Kinley's Words: Oh, Play, Yummm, Hi (sometimes), Bye-Bye, Something that kind of sounds like Puppy "Pup" and lots of crazy talk
* Brooklyn's Words: Dada (to any guy), Go-Go-GO, Yumm and lots of crazy talk