Monday, November 12, 2012

Spirit Extreme.... Our Little Cheerleader

Addison had her 1st cheer competition last weekend. She worked so hard, lots of hours at the gym, and she did so AWESOME!!! Nick and I are both so proud of her and how great she did. We both knew she was nervous, we also knew there was a chance she may freeze, but she didn't it... she nailed the whole routine and SMILED the whole time! YAY!! Thanks to Mimi, Pop-Pop, Aunt Katie & Grammy, and of course her little sisters for being Addison's fan club. Addison loves your support!

Love my little Cheerleader... GO TEAM JOY!

Addison and Taylor... She is on Team Hope!

Addison's Cheer Buddy Riley!!
Stay Tuned for the Next Competition in January!!! :)

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