Saturday, August 25, 2012

~ 12 Months ~

My sweet itty bitty lovebugs are ONE!! Can you believe it? I'm still blown away, this past year flew by. The girls are so fun and crazy right now... I'm enjoying every second.

At 12 months the twins are:

* Eating anything and everything you put in front of them :) Some new favorites are: Mandarian Oranges, Animal crackers, applesauce, blueberry waffles and eggs.
* Each of them have 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on bottom
*Kinley is walking... started with a few steps, now that's all she really does
* Brooklyn is still a crazy crawler, she's ridiculous fast and quick. She also knows how to climb on the couches.
* Both girls wave now - FINALLY :)
* Kinley's Words: Oh, Play, Yummm, Hi (sometimes), Bye-Bye, Something that kind of sounds like Puppy "Pup" and lots of crazy talk
* Brooklyn's Words: Dada (to any guy), Go-Go-GO, Yumm and lots of crazy talk

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