Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Addison's off to... KINDERGARTEN!

Today is Addison's 1st day of Kindergarten! I wanted to make sure I blogged today, because I wanted to make sure I remembered every detail of this big day and how she felt, I felt, Nick felt. It's such a BIG day for all of us.
Meet the Teacher was last night, which honestly I liked. Everything was still fresh for Addison this morning.. her classroom, desk, locker, etc.
Addison's teachers name is Mrs. Moore, she lives one street over from us. She called us last week to introduce herself as Addison's teacher. We have met/seen her several other times. Addison was beyond excited! And so was I! Nick too! They have 8 Kindergarten teachers at Kay Granger... lots of little kindergartners, so to get Mrs. Moore was truly a blessing!

Addison went to bed last night with Riley(our dog) promptly at 8:30, not one complaint out of her, she was so excited! I woke her up at 6:45 this morning and she was all SMILES! I could tell she was a little nervous, but who wouldn't be, right? Ate breakfast, got dressed, a phone call from Mimi wishing her a good day, few pictures and headed to school. She went right in and got straight to coloring, just like it was at her preschool. Really, not one ounce of worry in her eyes. It was very reassuring to know, Hey she's going to be just fine here.
Me on the other hand, I had my meltdown last night after all the girls were asleep, I was good till it got quiet and I could just think about what was actually happening. I'm pretty attached to this girl :)
Nick is Nick, so mellow and chill, like it's just another day. Guess it's good were both not in meltdown mode. He thinks I'm crazy (nothing new by the way) I wanted to have lunch with Addison today and all he did was laugh and say NO crazy!

I'm counting down the minutes to pick her up and here all about her day! I feel like I have 50 questions for her and she will maybe answer 5.

Here are a few pictures from Meet the Teacher last night and today, her 1st day!

Happy 1st Day of Kindergarten Sweet Addison! I know you are going to be such a great student!! Can't wait to watch you grow and learn this year :)

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