Friday, May 18, 2012

Addison's 5th BIRTHday

FIVE... Really how did this happen?! I can't believe 5 years have gone by.

Addison had a great time in Disney, but was glad to be home and spend her birthday with our family. We got up and went to breakfast, enjoyed the day with some errands, cheer class.... and then she decided she was FINALLY going to get her ears pierced. And surprised our whole family, even daddy when she showed up at dinner with her new pink sparkly earrings. I was so proud of her, she did shed a few tears, but was so brave and so big.

Things that make Addison... Addison.
1- She still loves to snuggle and rock in the rocking chair.
2- She loves making her sisters' giggle... and is so good at helping with them
3- Animal Lover, she seriously loves animals... all of them
4- For being only 5, she has the biggest heart. And cries when anyone has a boo boo or is sad
5- She loves playing teacher and getting her teacher voice out
6- FINALLY, learned to swing herself on the swing set (it took us some time to get here)
7- Nick and I love listening to her talk about GOD and singing her little church songs
8- Every time she says a prayer.... its starts off with Thank you GOD for this beautiful, beautiful day. (Even when it's yucky out) It makes me smile so big
9- She is the perfect mix of city and country. Loves her girly clothes, but loves to put on her boots and head down to the barn with her Bubba and Pop Pop
10- Even though it makes me a little jealous at times... She is a Daddy's Girl 100% and I love watching her light up with him.
Breakfast at Ihop with Daddy, Mommy, the twins and Aunt Katie

Right after she got her ears pierced (sorry you can't really see them)

Addison with her Minnie cake

Kinley and Brooklyn with the Birthday Girl :)

Addison- I wish I could freeze you right now, because you are so sweet and so sassy and everything in between. Your the best big sister! And Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

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