Friday, May 18, 2012

~9 Months~

Our sweet little Love bugs turned 9 months old on Sunday. They are so fun, each month their personality shines more and more.

At 9 Months Kinley and Brooklyn are:
  • Very mobile, they love being down on the floor, crawling and climbing on everything
  • They both have 2 bottom teeth
  • Lots of baby talk... mostly Dadddaaddaa and Bababbaaba
  • A lot of giggling... They love their big sister
  • Starting to get some table food; cheerios, grated cheese, peas, corn and they love baby cookies.
  • Both girls have enough hair now for a little pony tail on top (they look like Pebbles)
  • And they got to have their first pony rides at Big Sisters Birthday Party
 9 Month Stats:
Kinley - Weight: 16.2 pounds, Height 27 inches
Brooklyn - Weight: 15 pounds, Height 26 inches

Can't believe they are 9 Months
Silly Girls
Brooklyn's 1st Pony Ride
Kinley's 1st Pony Ride
"Big Girl" Pony Tail


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