Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Addison's Pre-K Graduation and Last Day of School

Our little Addison graduated preschool last week, very bittersweet moment. I actually held myself together at the graduation, but the last day of school was a different story. Addison, went to HCP for two years and was lucky to have the same teachers both years. So of course, she was attached and so was I. We were truly blessed to have Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Teri, I can not thank them enough! We are going to miss them dearly, but Addison is READY for Kindergarten.

Addison wants to be a Mommy when she grows up!
The Giraffes singing Jesus your my Superhero :)
The crew with our little Graduate :)

Like I said, the last day of school was a tough one. I will have so many memories of Addison at HCP. She made so many friends, learned so so much and really went from a little girl to a big girl in those two years. The last day of school is always so fun for the kids... the teachers planned a fun picnic, filled with all kinds of treats. Addison gave lots of hugs to teachers and friends as we said goodbye to them all. She has made some lifelong friends and so have I.

Addison and Big L, so glad they got to be in the same class this year.

Her Favorite Gal Pals, Adrienne and Faith... Seriously do they get much cuter?
Addison's awesome teachers, Ms. Teri and Ms. Jennifer. They truly are the BEST!
 Now we can enjoy our SUMMER!! I know the next 2 months are going to fly by, and she will be off to her first day of Kindergarten.

Friday, May 18, 2012

~9 Months~

Our sweet little Love bugs turned 9 months old on Sunday. They are so fun, each month their personality shines more and more.

At 9 Months Kinley and Brooklyn are:
  • Very mobile, they love being down on the floor, crawling and climbing on everything
  • They both have 2 bottom teeth
  • Lots of baby talk... mostly Dadddaaddaa and Bababbaaba
  • A lot of giggling... They love their big sister
  • Starting to get some table food; cheerios, grated cheese, peas, corn and they love baby cookies.
  • Both girls have enough hair now for a little pony tail on top (they look like Pebbles)
  • And they got to have their first pony rides at Big Sisters Birthday Party
 9 Month Stats:
Kinley - Weight: 16.2 pounds, Height 27 inches
Brooklyn - Weight: 15 pounds, Height 26 inches

Can't believe they are 9 Months
Silly Girls
Brooklyn's 1st Pony Ride
Kinley's 1st Pony Ride
"Big Girl" Pony Tail


YeeHaw... Addison's Cowgirl Party

Addison talked about having a Cowgirl Birthday party since she was about 3 1/2 years old. We decided not to for her 4th Birthday since I was pregnant with twins and we had a lot going on. Not that this year was any different. But your 5th birthday, in my book it's a pretty big deal. So the planning began.... Addison was so excited for this party. She loves wearing her cowgirl boots, riding ponies and being a country girl.

The party went so great. My parents were so kind and let us have the party out in Haslet. We had pony rides, hay rides, face paint, bounce house and a small petting zoo. And somehow it went off without a hitch. We were a little concerned because it rained all Friday and some Saturday morning, thank goodness it cleared out just in time for the party. Cupcakes, cake pops, popcorn and some yummy haystacks. It was really a great party. And Addison had a blast celebrating with all her friends.

Our sweet Little Cowgirl

Pony Rides
Hay Ride with some of her school buddies
Cupcake Time with her Girlfriends
After Everyone left she got to open all her presents from all her sweet friends.

My Little Cowgirl and I after the party... Love her so much!!
 Addison had a great birthday week, so many fun memories. And an awesome party. A special thanks to my GREAT family... Mimi and Pop Pop, Aunt Katie and Bub, this party would have not be possible without yall's help. We are truely blessed!! Love you all :)

Addison's 5th BIRTHday

FIVE... Really how did this happen?! I can't believe 5 years have gone by.

Addison had a great time in Disney, but was glad to be home and spend her birthday with our family. We got up and went to breakfast, enjoyed the day with some errands, cheer class.... and then she decided she was FINALLY going to get her ears pierced. And surprised our whole family, even daddy when she showed up at dinner with her new pink sparkly earrings. I was so proud of her, she did shed a few tears, but was so brave and so big.

Things that make Addison... Addison.
1- She still loves to snuggle and rock in the rocking chair.
2- She loves making her sisters' giggle... and is so good at helping with them
3- Animal Lover, she seriously loves animals... all of them
4- For being only 5, she has the biggest heart. And cries when anyone has a boo boo or is sad
5- She loves playing teacher and getting her teacher voice out
6- FINALLY, learned to swing herself on the swing set (it took us some time to get here)
7- Nick and I love listening to her talk about GOD and singing her little church songs
8- Every time she says a prayer.... its starts off with Thank you GOD for this beautiful, beautiful day. (Even when it's yucky out) It makes me smile so big
9- She is the perfect mix of city and country. Loves her girly clothes, but loves to put on her boots and head down to the barn with her Bubba and Pop Pop
10- Even though it makes me a little jealous at times... She is a Daddy's Girl 100% and I love watching her light up with him.
Breakfast at Ihop with Daddy, Mommy, the twins and Aunt Katie

Right after she got her ears pierced (sorry you can't really see them)

Addison with her Minnie cake

Kinley and Brooklyn with the Birthday Girl :)

Addison- I wish I could freeze you right now, because you are so sweet and so sassy and everything in between. Your the best big sister! And Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 5 ~ Disney World: Let's Go Home

We had such an amazing trip in Disney World, so many great memories were made. Addison had a blast and so did both Nick and I. I can't wait to take the twins when they get older. We all missed them dearly. Thanks to Mimi, Pop-Pop and Aunt Katie for keeping them and letting us enjoy this trip. Here are a few pictures from the pool before we headed to the airport.

Love this little girl so much... I hope you never forget this trip!! I know I won't. :)

Disney World ~ Day 4: Typhoon Lagoon and Downtown Disney

Typhoon Lagoon is one of Disney's water parks.... and it was so awesome, very very cool. And just what we needed after 2 long days before. Of course, I don't have to many pictures b/c we were in the water. But tons of FUN!

Silly Girl was so EXCITED!!

She played in lots of sand....
Then would clean off in the wave pool, which was super awesome by the way... by far her favorite thing to do.

Lilo was there :)
Got to have some snuggle time with daddy :)

After the water park we went back to the hotel to clean up and head to downtown Disney. Which was pretty cool, lots of shops and restaurants. We really enjoyed the night.

Our sweet girl!

We shopped at the largest Disney store in the World... pretty amazing!

Disney World ~ Day 3 : Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom was an awesome day, we had a connection through my sister, who knew a Disney Dancer and we were able to get VIP to the Lion King show. It was by far the coolest thing of the day. Addison got to go on stage and interact in the show and we got to meet the whole Lion King team afterwards. We went on safari rides, more parades and lunch with Donald, Goofy and Daisy. Animal Kingdom also had a water ride, we got so soaked... but of course it was Addison's favorite ride. Another great day full of fun and lots of memories. Here are some of my favorite pictures....

Getting Ready to make the giraffe sound for our section at Lion King Show

She was a little nervous, but did so good

She did some dancing with the Zebra's... and really tall guys :)
The whole Lion King Crew
A Little Lunch with Miss Daisy
And Mr. Donald

Allison, who was so great and got us the VIP to the show. Her boyfriend was a flying monkey in the show.
Safari Ride :)

We went back to the hotel and grabbed dinner at a restuarant in the hotel, it was very yummy.

Disney World ~ Day 2 : Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom was by far a magical day for Addison. She had so much fun meeting Mickey & Minnie and the gang. We had a special night planned for Addison at Cinderella's Castle, they even brought out a special Birthday cake for Addison. She was so surprised. We watched parades, fireworks and rode lots of rides. If you ask her what her favorite ride was.... Splash Mountain!!! She loved it! Nick and I had so much fun too. It was so nice to get to spend time with Addison and see her big smile all day. She was the center of attention and she enjoyed every minute of it. Here are a few of my favorites from the day....
Ready to head out from the hotel

Perfect Saying.... So many memories
We were all excited to meet Mickey and Minnie
Her Favorite Disney Characters
Her Favorite Ride :)

Meeting Cinderella at the Castle

Such an amazing day celebrating this sweet girl of ours.

Magic Kingdom was such an amazing day, I can't tell you how much fun we had.

Disney World Trip ~ Day 1

We just recently got back from Disney World and had such a great time. We celebrated Addison's 5th Birthday.... and she enjoyed every minute of the trip.

We left on Thursday evening, May 3rd.... Addison was so excited. It was her first plane ride and she did so great. Even took herself a little nap. Here are a few pictures....

She was so excited... mostly about her suitcase :)

We took a little ride on the Sky Line to get some airport dinner before we left.

She picked the Window Seat

** Stay tuned for Day 2 - Magic Kingdom**