Sunday, June 17, 2012

~ 10 Months ~

Our little love bugs turned 10 Months on Wednesday!! It still blows my mind how fast this first year is going. The Birthday party planning has begun :)

At 10 months the twins are :

* Basically eating all table foods, with small amounts of baby food. Some of their favorites are Chick-Fil-A nuggets, green beans, peas, strawberries, banana's, Yogurt, Cheerios. The list goes on....
* Brooklyn has 5 teeth as of today!
* Kinley has 3 with 2 more almost thru!
* They love playing in Big sister's room
* They LOVE the water and playing in the pool :)
*Kinley is getting really good at free standing (I think she may be the first to walk) Brooklyn is starting to but still hesitant
* Lots of giggling... Sneezing makes them laugh hard
* Giving kisses
Seriously?? They make me SMILE so big :)

Loving on Big Sister!!
Fun in the Sun @ Mimi's House


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