Tuesday, February 14, 2012

~6 Months~

The twins are officially 6 months old (2/13/12), seriously I'm not sure how that went by so fast. They are getting so big and oh soooo much fun!! I really don't want to brag, but I will b/c I can't resist, but they are amazing... So easy going and so happy. Maybe it's a twin thing :)

So here are the 6 month stats:

Brooklyn (aka - Little Bit or Brooklyn Bear)
Weight: 12.5 pounds - 5 %
Height: 24 1/2 inches - 25 %

Kinley (aka - Kin Kin or Kinley K)
Weight : 13.4 pounds - 10%
Height: 25 inches - 25%

It's such a great feeling watching these girls grow and FINALLY making it on the chart :) I was so excited when the doctor told us we made it the charts. YAY!!!!!

So far the girls eat rice cereal with mixed fruit every night around dinner time, we started sampling some veggies - sweet potatoes and carrots. They both enjoy their food! Excited to start trying new baby foods.

Addison really knows how to get her sisters to smile and giggle :)

Happy 6 Months Sweet Girls!!!!

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOO cute! And I agree--they are SO happy and laid back! Such sweet girls!
