Sunday, February 26, 2012

Daddy - Daughter Project

Every year at Addison's Pre-school, they have a "Drive-In Movie Day". Each child is suppose to bring a homemade car, made out of anything you want to watch the movie in. Of course, I assign this project to Nick, who knew I married a pretty crafty guy :)

Addison and Nick always have so much fun deciding what type of car she wants, and what color, etc. This year she went with a pink VW and it turned out so CUTE! Nick did such a good job and Addison loved it! Check it out :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

~6 Months~

The twins are officially 6 months old (2/13/12), seriously I'm not sure how that went by so fast. They are getting so big and oh soooo much fun!! I really don't want to brag, but I will b/c I can't resist, but they are amazing... So easy going and so happy. Maybe it's a twin thing :)

So here are the 6 month stats:

Brooklyn (aka - Little Bit or Brooklyn Bear)
Weight: 12.5 pounds - 5 %
Height: 24 1/2 inches - 25 %

Kinley (aka - Kin Kin or Kinley K)
Weight : 13.4 pounds - 10%
Height: 25 inches - 25%

It's such a great feeling watching these girls grow and FINALLY making it on the chart :) I was so excited when the doctor told us we made it the charts. YAY!!!!!

So far the girls eat rice cereal with mixed fruit every night around dinner time, we started sampling some veggies - sweet potatoes and carrots. They both enjoy their food! Excited to start trying new baby foods.

Addison really knows how to get her sisters to smile and giggle :)

Happy 6 Months Sweet Girls!!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

5 Months Old

I can't believe the twins are 5 months old, well 5 1/2 months now!! January went so fast.

The girls are starting to grow and get such fun personalities. They are both so easy going and happy :) We started rice cereal this month, and they both love it!! And it also helped give them an extra hour of sleep every night. Bedtime is at 7:45pm and they sleep till 6am.... it's wonderful. Every once in awhile we make it to 6:30am, which is even better. Here are a few pictures!!

5 months old 1-13-12

First Walk in their "Big Girl" Stroller

5 1/2 Months 1-28-12

6 Months here we come :) Baby Food is calling our names!!!

January = Stock Show Month

Addison is my country girl at heart, which doesn't surprise me one bit. She loves animals so much and has no fear of any of them.

She went to The Fort Worth Stock Show 3 times and hates leaving every time. We had a group outing one Sunday afternoon with some of our friends. Here they all are holding the baby goats, I can't wait for the twins to join them next year :)

Can't Forget the Pony Ride :)

My brother shows steers so we headed out bright and early on a Thursday morning to watch him show at 8am, we left the house at 6:45, all five us!! It actually went smoothly. Addison loved it!! It was so quiet, the petting zoo was all hers and she got to help feed them all breakfast. Needless to say she was basically attacked by every goat there. Bub did a great job, but Black Jack didn't make the sell... which is okay with me. It's so hard to explain to Addison where the cows go once they are sold. Not good for Bub, but good for me :)