Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm a Blogger!!!!!

So I decided to start a BLOG.... It's one of my New Year's Resolutions. I have three of them.

1. Start Blogging
2. Find a Church for us to attend as a family, that we all 5 are happy at
(I think we found one.. thanks Kim)
3. Start running- Random I know (it's been wet and cold lately, hopefully I'll get motivated soon)

And I wanted it for all our family and friends to read. My goal is to post all the exciting things going on with our new family of FIVE. Addison and the twins seems to keep us pretty busy and entertained. As most of you all know I stay home with all 3 girls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and on Tuesday and Thursday, Addison attends her school and I work. My mom and Aunt come over and keep the twins, which is such a blessing! It really just works out perfect.

The twins will be 5 months on Friday... Seriously time is flying! Sometimes Nick and I look at each other and wonder how we got so lucky??? They are two very healthy and happy babies. They just started rolling over and I feel like I have two little monkey's. You never know where you will find them, it keeps us laughing. Here are a few sweet and funny pictures of them....

They love being together... Oh and Yes Kinley has her arm around her sister :) They seriously make me smile so big!
Now that we are moving... I think it's time to ALWAYS be buckled!! I couldn't help but laugh when I came back in the room and found them like this.

Now on to Addison.... She has a new obsession with Taylor Swift, she got a karaoke machine for Christmas and puts on a "concert" for us everyday. She has a dress that looks like one of Taylor's and wants her hair curly too. It's so fun to watch, and the twins love it! She also likes to "show her steer" aka BJ the dog, she gets all dressed in her cowgirl gear and the kitchen is her arena. She def. gives us a variety... a little girly girl meets country.
Our very own Taylor in ACTION
Here she is showing her Steer.... No worries the dog actually likes it and the fly swatter is her show stick. No animals harmed :)


A Few other milestones... My Sister turned 21 yesterday! The whole Family went out to Joe T's, even the twins. They did pretty good. Here are all three girls before we left...

We are so happy and so blessed, we can not wait to see what 2012 has in store!!!Stay tuned.....