Friday, June 22, 2012


Addison's soccer season just ended and she did AWESOME! Scored some goals and became a great defender. This season she got to play with her two favorite gal pals Adrienne and Faith. It was so fun watching them, Addison really loved having them on her team.

First Game of the Season!!!

Last Game of the Season... with their medals and fancy hair from Adrienne's party :)
Soccer Party, super cute pink trophy :)
Sooo Excited for pink trophies :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

~ 10 Months ~

Our little love bugs turned 10 Months on Wednesday!! It still blows my mind how fast this first year is going. The Birthday party planning has begun :)

At 10 months the twins are :

* Basically eating all table foods, with small amounts of baby food. Some of their favorites are Chick-Fil-A nuggets, green beans, peas, strawberries, banana's, Yogurt, Cheerios. The list goes on....
* Brooklyn has 5 teeth as of today!
* Kinley has 3 with 2 more almost thru!
* They love playing in Big sister's room
* They LOVE the water and playing in the pool :)
*Kinley is getting really good at free standing (I think she may be the first to walk) Brooklyn is starting to but still hesitant
* Lots of giggling... Sneezing makes them laugh hard
* Giving kisses
Seriously?? They make me SMILE so big :)

Loving on Big Sister!!
Fun in the Sun @ Mimi's House