Thursday, April 19, 2012

Donuts With Dad

This morning was Donuts with Dad at Addison's Preschool. She loves when Daddy can take her to school, but she was very excited to eat Donuts with him too. She is a Daddy's Girl... 100%.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

~8 Months~

The twins are 8 Months old now!! It's going so fast! They are getting so big and smart AND.... SO FUNNY!

At 8 months Kinley and Brooklyn are:
  • Crawling...everywhere and FAST!
  • Getting in the "sitting position" by themselves.
  • Pulling up on anything possible
  • Eating all Stage 2 Baby Foods and they love their Mum Mums & Pinwheel treats
  • Lots of baby talk
  • They love playing with Mimi and Koo Koo on Tuesday & Thursdays
  • Brooklyn has become a Daddy's Girl (came out of no where)

    Love these Love Bugs
Silly Little Girls

Happy 8 Months Girls!!!

Sea Life Aquarium

Last week we ventured out to the Grapevine Aquarium with Addison's cousins from California. They came in town for their Spring Break, Addison had so much fun hanging out with them. Needless to say they had tons of fun at the Aquarium.
Blake, Addison, Justin and Kolton
The girls were GREAT! And were totally memorized by everything!

They had so many fun sea animals.... Addison loved it!

We can't wait to go back in a few weeks to celebrate Kolton's 2nd birthday!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday!!!

Easter Sunday was so fun and like I said before so busy!!!

We woke up to goodies from the Easter Bunny!! Then we were off to Church, from Church we went out to Bridgeport... enjoyed lunch and a small egg hunt for Addison. Then to my parents for dinner and another egg hunt with some close friends.We had some rain in the afternoon, so it was pretty muddy.... Rain boots were a must for the egg hunt :) It was busy, but so much FUN! Enjoy all the pictures!!

The girls loved playing with the eggs

My sweet Addison enjoying her egg hunt

 Addison and her buddy Landon checking out the animals and a muddy egg hunt! They had so much fun!

And after a long day.... I got a sweet picture with all 5 of us!!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!!
And a big Happy 1st Easter to my sweet babies!!!


Easter weekend was filled with lots of FUN and of course super busy!

Friday, my sister and I loaded up the girls to go see the Easter Bunny (Mimi met us there). Addison is normally very hesitant to see any holiday character dressed up, but she seemed to be a fan of the Easter Bunny this year :)

Saturday, we spent with Nick's mom and family. Addison and her sweet little cousin Kolton had an egg hunt. The twins enjoyed watching!!

Mr. Kolton pulling Easter goodies from the tree

This about all I did... Chasing my silly babies :)

** Stay Tuned for Easter Sunday....