Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Girls

The twins love surprising me with new tricks... almost weekly now. I feel like every week brings something new with them. They are getting so big!!

Check out their newest trick!! :)

Hey Mom!! Look what we can do now!

After bath I was letting them play together in Kinley's bed, so I wasn't chasing them around while I was cleaning up the bathroom. And I come in to find these sweet little faces pulled up in their bed. Really, how did you do that?? Both of them just standing there hanging out like big girls!!!

Spring Break 2012

Addison was out for Spring Break and boy was it a week! Nick was traveling for work and well let's just say we only enjoyed probably a day of her Spring Break. All three girls ended up with ear infections and nasty colds. Lucky for Nick he was not here for all the fun! Thank goodness after a few days on antibiotics the girls were all back to themselves and happy again!! :)

Before all the sickness happened.... we enjoyed a morning at the park with some great friends!! The twins enjoyed being outside and watching the big kids play. Addison loved playing with her sweet buddy Landon and his super cute sister Presely :)

We tried out the swings, but need to get just a little bit bigger. Kinley liked the idea of it though :)

Little Miss Brooklyn wasn't really to sure of the swing...?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

~7 Months~

The girls are now 7 months old!!! And Spring is here....YAY :)

The girls are getting so big and changing so much! Kinley is officially crawling and Brooklyn likes to army crawl everywhere. Brooklyn still stays in the same room, but Miss Kinley has figured her way around the house. So we officially have a "baby house", re-arranging everything to make it more baby friendly.

They are loving their baby food; breakfast, lunch and dinner. And eat everything they try even Peas & Green Beans. Sweet Pot w/ Turkey is one of their favorite and of course applesauce. Banana's are still a little iffy, but they eat them. They also love their Mum-Mums (little baby cookies).

Oh, and another big thing - well more for mommy. They started going to the nursery at church on Sunday mornings :) And seem to be doing great!!

Now that sitting still really isn't an option getting their monthly picture is a work out! Normally Addison can always get them to smile for me.... this time was a different story. So enjoy some of these Great Pictures. HAHA

These top two are the best.... the following below are just funny :)

They were both totally over it within 2 minutes...
And they were totally happy like this.... Priceless Moment. I'm not sure how these pictures will go next month....?
But man I love how much laughter they bring me, never a dull moment at my house. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy 7 Months Sweet Baby Girls!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sneak Peek

We had some pictures taking this week.... For the twins 6 month pictures and Addison's 5 year pictures. Her birthday isn't for another 2 months, but I figured she wouldn't be changing too much. Nick was off, so I made him tag along too... And she was able to get a few family pictures. Oh and BIG Thanks to Mimi for helping with the girls - man she makes my life so much easier, not sure what we would do without her :)

She posted a few of the pictures on Facebook for a  little sneak peek!! Can't wait to see the rest. I love that our photographer is so creative and she's so AWESOME with the girls. Enjoy :)

Pictures were taken by Shani Baird with Timeless Images.... She is so GREAT!! Check out her page on Facebook!!