Saturday, July 28, 2012

Addison's Horse Camp

Addison attended horse camp this past week for 3 days at Ride with Pride in Southlake. It was like Christmas morning everyday... She had a blast! Addison's little friend Adrienne went also, they both had fun and made tons of memories. The camp was fantastic I highly recommend it for any kids interested in horse riding.

Addison had tons of fun... Fishing, crafts, snow cones, cleaning the barn, played with chickens, and of course riding and taking care of her horses. Her favorite horse was Pup and Dollie, they even had a Rodeo on Wednesday night where we got to watch her ride Pup. She won 1st place in her division and received an award "Spirit of the Cowgirl".
Addison and Cupcake... cute little horse! Addison rode her on Tuesday!

Addison with the crazy chickens
The Whole Camp Crew

Receiving her 1st place medal for her Division

Addison and Adrienne after they finished their rides in the Rodeo
Silly Girls!!!

Addison had to say good-bye to every horse... and this one liked to nipple on you :)

Addison has also decided we need to move... she informed Nick we needed a bigger backyard for a barn and her horse. And that she was asking Santa Clause for her own riding helmet b/c she was going back next summer :)
Our crazy cowgirl loves her animals!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

~ 11 Months ~

Our little love bugs turned 11 months this past Friday. And we are in full party planning mode... They will be ONE in 25 days! Time is flying, but we are enjoying every minute.

At 11 months the twins are :

* Completely eating table food... no more baby food :( But they love it all! Macaroni and Cheese is by far their favorite and any type of pasta. And banana's make them very happy too. Every meal is still a mess though, hopefully with time it won't be such a mess.
*Both girls have 6 teeth :)
*Kinley's favorite word to say is "Ohhh" and her only word to say or repeat.
* Brooklyn... our little bear just likes to baby talk and still GROWL...
* Both girls are standing freely and able to just stand up for period of times without holding on. We just need to add steps.
* They love their little Pottery Barn chairs Mimi and Pop-Pop got them.

So Big!!!
Two Chairs, but they love squeezing into one :)
Loving their new chairs!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

4th of July Celebration

We have a great, fun and busy 4th of July Week. The twins got to join us this year and were such troopers staying up late for the fireworks. Every year Southlake puts on a Firework show in the town square and for the last 4 years we have gone. It's tons of fun for the kids and the actual firework show is great. We had a big group this year and it was a BLAST.....
The girls with Cousin Kolton

Addison and her sweet friend Faith

Lots of girls :)
Addison, Landon and Faith enjoying the show!! Landon's a lucky man :)
Love my family and this tradition!!

On the 4th we enjoyed an evening at the Tennyson's house.... another fun night with great friends, food and fireworks. Trophy Club had a great firework show and even better we could see them from the front yard. The twins were party girls again and made it through the fireworks... they actually really enjoyed watching them.
Happy 4th of July!!! Seriously love my girls!

Miss Independence and Lil' Firecracker... No explanation needed. Perfect nicknames :)

Luckiest Dad in the World... Lovin' them some daddy!

Needless to say we had our fair share of Fireworks, on Friday night we went to the Ranger game and enjoyed the fireworks after the game. The twins spent the evening with Mimi and Pop Pop and we headed off to the game with friends and had a great time.
Alex, Addison and Taylor looking Super Cute
Taylor's mom made the girls these adorable dresses!!!
Fun Times at the Rangers Kid's Zone!!!

Daddy's Girl :)

We had a Great 4th....Can't wait till next year!!!